So, here, finally, is a 'future' post with the promised pictures!
Nan's corn seeds sprouted beautifully and the plants came up tall & straight! They also put out a couple of cobs but alas, no corn (seeds) in them. Perhaps pollination didn't take place?
The New Year Pongal Panai turmeric (the broad-leaved plant). Looks like the soil had some papaya seeds that are also hitching a ride! I left the papayas in but just kept trimming the papaya plants' leaves so that they wouldn't shade the turmeric too much. It seemed to help and almost a year later, the turmeric has started to bloom!
So, here's the turmeric flower! (I had to chop off one of the papaya plants that was crowding the bloom quite a bit.) The flower is quite fragrant if you rub up against it although my mom says that the fragrance should be quite overpowering and wafting all by itself. It is still the early stages of the bloom (couple of days old, really) so, lets see.
I was also able to germinate the Gossyprium herbaceum 'Nigrum' seeds that I got from Nan. They also grew beautifully--for a while! I then forgot to water them--for a while, oops, my bad: so, RIP, my Levant cotton flora-mates! Incidentally, the paper pot they are growing in is moi-made! A very useful piece of DIY handicraft to pick up, especially for aspiring gardeners.
And finally, here's my second attempt at growing C. esculenta! A bit more successful than the last time around. The one shown here has already been harvested and in fact, its children are also almost ready to be harvested!
Zea Mays 'Tiger Cub' and 'Old Gold' (seeds courtesy of Nan Ondra of Hayefield ) |
Nan's corn seeds sprouted beautifully and the plants came up tall & straight! They also put out a couple of cobs but alas, no corn (seeds) in them. Perhaps pollination didn't take place?
2012 Pongal Panai Turmeric (with some unexpected papaya seedlings) |
The New Year Pongal Panai turmeric (the broad-leaved plant). Looks like the soil had some papaya seeds that are also hitching a ride! I left the papayas in but just kept trimming the papaya plants' leaves so that they wouldn't shade the turmeric too much. It seemed to help and almost a year later, the turmeric has started to bloom!
Turmeric in bloom: about 10 months later! |
So, here's the turmeric flower! (I had to chop off one of the papaya plants that was crowding the bloom quite a bit.) The flower is quite fragrant if you rub up against it although my mom says that the fragrance should be quite overpowering and wafting all by itself. It is still the early stages of the bloom (couple of days old, really) so, lets see.
Gossyprium herbaceum 'Nigrum' |
I was also able to germinate the Gossyprium herbaceum 'Nigrum' seeds that I got from Nan. They also grew beautifully--for a while! I then forgot to water them--for a while, oops, my bad: so, RIP, my Levant cotton flora-mates! Incidentally, the paper pot they are growing in is moi-made! A very useful piece of DIY handicraft to pick up, especially for aspiring gardeners.
Colocasia esculenta (Seypang kizhangu) |
And finally, here's my second attempt at growing C. esculenta! A bit more successful than the last time around. The one shown here has already been harvested and in fact, its children are also almost ready to be harvested!