Friday, February 24, 2012

Springtime Blues

February is just about over but the mercury is already spiking: it hit almost 33C ( ~ 92F) here yesterday!

Which means my attempt at growing poppies will probably fail miserably, yet again!  My last attempt at growing these was an abject failure:  I starting growing them around mid-summer and the saplings simply shriveled up in the scorching heat.  So, this time around, I figured I'd try them around late-spring and I scattered a whole bunch of seeds a few days back (around the 16th or 17th).  I do see a bunch of green shoots popping up.  But, its a bit too early to tell if these are indeed poppy saplings or the ubiquitous species of the Weedsae family.  Keeping the proverbial fingers crossed.

Since I also have a tendency to shvitz like a hyperhidrosising tri-lamb nerd at a ΠΔΠ mixer when the temperature spikes up, I thought I'd play it smart and get as much stuff done around the garden as possible before the heatwave kicks in.  So,  I

  • un-potted (most of) the roses and got them into the ground
  • un-potted the Thumbai (Leucas aspera or Leucas indica) and got them into the ground
  • dismantled last-year's trellis that I'd set up for the mochai, worked the left-over dried up vine back into the ground and (trans)planted the Tulsis in there
  • transplanted the seedlings that, surprisingly, came up now from seeds that I'd tried to germinate last August: the seeds have all gotten mixed up so, I've no idea what these are
  • started a whole bunch of seeds including some tomatoes
Looking at the 'done' items makes me realize that this is just the tip of the 'to-do' iceberg.  Oh well, as the famous Broadway 'ditty' goes, there's always tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow!

Late breaking news:  my nephews have gifted me with an iPod so, I'll start working some nice pix in in future posts.